From the last CaringBridge post written by my brother
before his GBM sent him to hospice care eleven days later
Hi quick up date from the right-handed typing machinr. a lot of goood keys on th”righand side of the board. “J’s a good one for example, abd i’ve slways been a fan of “m. and of course ‘h for hannah is ther Super-special shouout to all of you loveyal thank you. you av major good karma heading your way especially my inlaws and hannah hannah is the most impressive woman ever i hope she hasnt figuredout yt what a scumbag i am im pretty sure sshe knows abou the body odrr I qpolgize for6he spellinf and typos I her an wxcuse. Balancw issuea ans thindhgs that require fingers are hard. this year has been extra tough and yu guy s have been gisnts in supporting us. much love to al.