One Small River

Long May weekend
pilgrimage north
rutted road, spring deluge
weary faces
through Ford window
at last
the borrowed cabin

Tar papered porch
gloomy lake
too frigid for bathing
(still it calls)
mosquito haze above
turbulent ripples
ribbon of pebble beach
sunken dock

This is no vacation home!
Sour faces condemn
the dangled fly strips,
barren hotplate
spent sofa

But wait….
An ancient T.V.!

Race to plug it in
switch it on –

Cabinet gutted
useless cord hanging

Only the black lake
emerald road
sucking mud, and

in my fractious heart
one small river
of gratitude

Joan MacIntosh

Joan lives in St. John’s, NL and writes poetry and prose. She recently completed a memoir entitled, The Poacher’s Cabin and other cottage Journeys. "Poacher" was published in the South Shore Review. Joan’s poetry has been published in TicleAce, Newfoundland Quarterly, Leafpress and others.