Book of Shadows

Go read the shadows: every page is blank.
You look on absence as the cloudbanks shiver,
penumbras lapsing from moon’s fitful light.

You see by silhouettes when it’s this late.
You listen to the sap and pith which slithers
in your flesh. A flash of rapture, and you thank

the unseen gods who offer you this wash
of weather, though you never quite believe.
A star is aiming for your brooding face,

but squints away, gradations more diffuse
within the skyglow’s contaminated sieve.
You think, I too will die, although you wish

for only tenderness—but something strange
would keep intruding; keeps going berserk.
A still black lake is crossed by two bright birds,

an underworld. May every lover, in bed
alone tonight, be safe, you pray. Then darkness
speaks in spells of thunder and fell sparks of rain.

Will Cordeiro

Will Cordeiro has work published or forthcoming in 32 Poems, AGNI, Bennington Review, Pleiades, and The Threepenny Review. Will won the 2019 Able Muse Book Award for Trap Street. Will is also coauthor of Experimental Writing: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology (Bloomsbury 2024). Will coedits Eggtooth Editions and lives in Guadalajara, Mexico.