Contribute – The South Shore Review


Beginning now, The South Shore Review is accepting works from Canadians and Canadians living away with a focus on Atlantic Canada. We will also be publishing region-specific stories about artists and authors along with reviews of local work.

Thank you so much!

The South Shore Review likes:

  • Flash Fiction (up to 3 submissions of 300 to 1000 words each)
  • Microfiction (up to 5 submissions of 150 words or less each)
  • Short stories (1 submission of 1500 to 4000 words)
  • Creative Non-Fiction or Essays (1 submission with no length restriction)
  • Poetry (5 poems per submission)
  • Reviews (1 review outline per submission). Please include a summary of your idea in your document.

Please include all pieces in one document. Your document should also include the following:

  • Your full name
  • Pen name if applicable
  • Email address
  • Place of residence
  • Biography of around 100 words in third-person
  • Category: short story, flash fiction, microfiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, essay, review
  • Word count for each piece included
  • Title of each piece at the beginning of each piece

Email editor at attaching your document and a high resolution author’s photo. In the body of your email, include a short cover letter introducing yourself and your work.

Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but if your piece is accepted elsewhere and you wish to withdraw, please do so as soon as possible after acceptance.

By submitting unpublished work to The South Shore Review you agree to grant First Serial Rights. Copyright reverts to the author on publication. Acknowledgement as first publisher would also be appreciated. Submissions of previously published work belong to you with no request for rights. Please let us know where it was previously published so that we can acknowledge them.

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